Interfacing with ABRT

Socket API

Socket API allows creation of new problems. It is used by Python and Java hooks to pass required data to abrtd.

Socket path:


First line has to contain HTTP header:

POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n

followed by key=value pairs delimited with \0. The server expects another \0 at the end of the message.

Mandatory keys:

  • type(string) problem type, see Supported problem types.
  • pid(integer) process ID of the crashed procss, ranges from 0 to PID_MAX (/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max)
  • executable(string) path of the affected executable
  • backtrace(string)
  • reason(string) reason of the crash

To ensure the problem can be reported to Bugzilla via report-gtk or report-cli you have to add the following keys with the following contents:

  • duphash(string) duplicate hash. The hash is placed in Bugzilla’s Whiteboard field in the format abrt_hash:$duphash. For C/C++, the content of duphash is the SHA-1 digest of the concatenation of the names of top six functions on the stacktrace. For Python exceptions, it is the SHA-1 digest of the stacktrace.
  • uuid(string) local identifier of the problem. The content can be the same as for duphash.

Optionally, the server accepts other elements listed in Elements collected by ABRT.

If there’s no error, the server responds with:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\n\r\n

or 400 status code in case of error.

Python hook may serve as an example of the socket API usage.


Documentation for the DBus API at org.freedesktop.problems is available as part of the abrt-dbus package or online at

Python API

Documentation for the Python API is available in the python3-abrt(5) man page (part of the python3-abrt package).